Monday, September 12, 2011

Monday : (

Oh were did the weekend can 2 days go so fast??  I just heard this little tidbit on the radio on my way to work..... " Monday is the day when most people are the unhappiest"...hmmm, can't imagine why-lol.   "People will spend 38 minutes of their Monday complaining about the fact that it's Monday"....ok, I've used up 3 of my minutes, so far-lol.  I hope everyone had a great weekend!!  Mine was once again pretty relaxing, though I did try to get into stuff for our upcoming craft show : )  It's soo hard to work on Xmas stuff when it's 75+ outside, not that I'm complaining about the 75+....I hope that keeps up for awhile : )     I did spend some time working on cards this weekend also, how could I not-lol : )   

Today I've got some cute cute little gift boxes to show you : )   These are a joint effort between mom & myself : )  She makes ALL the boxes & on this bunch I decorated them.  A lot of times we decorate them together, it's a good "us" project : )
 We have 3 different size boxes.  Most are the smaller rectangle which hold gift cards perfectly or are always good for jewelry : )

 I hope everyone has a great Monday, remember you only get to complain about it being Monday for 38 minutes : )  TFL  Lynn

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