Yeah...Friday!!! It's another chiiiillly morning..45 out, better then yesterday & it's suppose to be a gorgeous fall weekend. I almost feel bad about not having any plans outside...said almost. I'm really hoping to get it in gear & get some crafts accomplished : ) Today is the "official" due date for my nephew, "Baby Brown"......I'm not sure if he's aware it's the "official" due date, by the sounds of it, he's content where he is for now....there is still 15+more hours to the day -lol : )
I have such a mess going in my scrap/extra bedroom...I've got stuff out for Halloween, Xmas & now Thanksgiving plus anything else that catches me eye..everything-lol. This is one of my first Thanksgiving/fall cards this year. These are definitely my least favorite kind of card to make. Not really sure why, I love the rich colors of fall.
I hope everyone has a great weekend!! TFL Lynn
Better Late Than Never...
10 years ago
Oh, this is so pretty, hon!! Gorgeous colors, and your layout is fabulous!! I just love your layouts. I might have to scraplift a few if you don't mind. =D Sorry, it's chilly, but YAY for the impending arrival of Baby Brown! What is this...the 15th baby born this summer/fall? LOL Just kidding. Is this the one you had the shower for, or is this a different one? So exciting. Well, I hope you have a fun weekend hanging out, and have a great Friday! =D Hugs!