Wednesday, March 27, 2013


hello peeps....sorry got lost again, that seems to be happening a lot lately.  Ever just have those days (weeks) where you are not sure what direction you are going in??  That's me lately : )    We are still fighting w/our computer, but I did finally sit down last night & work with it for a bit.  I felt sooooo bad that I hadn't shared any pics of our new addition w/anybody.  Plus, i felt bad that I had been neglecting my blog....I'm still making cards in between taking Elvis outside every 10minutes (not kidding),  refereeing Wilson & Elvis & just everyday house know, just life.   I sound like I'm complaining,  I'm really not....though life has been crazy lately, it really has been enjoyable.

Well better get to  ELVIS....................
look at my little bundle of fur....pic taken this past weekend, he is a 9wk old Bernese Mountain of last week (first vet visit) he weighed 18.2 lbs....I'd say over 20lbs now, I notice it when picking him up.  He doesn't mind going up the stairs, but has not ventured down yet.....I think part of that is because Wilson protects the stairs-lol.   Speaking of Wilson, he is doing okay w/his new brother.  Wilson tends to play kind of rough, so I'm always worried about Elvis getting hurt, but Elvis doesn't seem to mind, he dishes out probably more then he gets : )

I promise a card soon.  Have a great day!! If I don't get back here tomorrow..............HAPPY EASTER!!   TFL  Lynn

Monday, March 18, 2013

Happy Monday!!

Hello I didn't fall off the face of the earth, just got lost for a bit : )  Actually, as I mentioned last month, had computer issues, that we temporarily fixed...notice I said temporarily.  We did get a new computer,but of course you need to set it up & transfer things over, all that fun, which I'm totally not into, so it stays at the bottom of my list.  My brother in law & wife stopped over on Saturday to set it up for us : )  Now I have to figure out the new computer w/Windows 8-yuk!!  

I've been working hard on cards this whole time's a great stress reliever for me, plus I totally love to be surrounded by cute stickers & pretty papers : )  I've got some steady customer's that keep my busy w/their "special orders".  I've got 4 due to a lady this week & only half our done, hopefully tonight.

Though I mentioned new cards, I don't have any pics loaded of them yet, so I thought I 'd share this cutie w/you...look at my handsome Wilson w/his looong legs, he's watching tv here-lol.   I do have some BIG news though......we got a new puppy this past weekend, I thought it high time Wilson had a brother.............he doesn't exactly agree w/my thinking yet-lol.  We got an 8wk old Bernese Mountain Dog puppy, his name is Elvis!!  (I promise pics w/in the next couple days)   Elvis is a chewer, he loves the carpets & he Wilson's ears. Wilson loves to bark at Elvis & then tries to rough house w/him....Elvis is too little right now for rough housing, but I know he'll give Wilson a run for his money someday.  It's funny to think, that Wilson doesn't realize this little guy is going to be bigger then him -lol. 

Have a great day!! If you need more smiles, feel free to come back & look at Wilson's works for me : )   TFL!  Lynn