Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Christmas in July : )

I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!!!  I still feel like a kid when Christmas roles around....I LOVE putting up my Christmas tree!!!  My Christmas ornaments are like "old friends" to me...a lot of them are hand made by mom : )  I think, I also have every Golden Retriever ornament there is out there...should have another tree all for Wilson-lol!!    I love the whole thought, idea & tradition of Christmas!!  Now don't get me wrong, though I love Christmas, I am by no means ready for the COOOOLD snowy weather that comes w/it.  I hope our summer weather last for a lot longer, couple plus months is good : )   I really had great intention of doing 1 Christmas card a week this year, so I would have a had start....oh, what a great thought that was...didn't get anywhere w/that-lol.  I did get 2 cards done recently though...oh I'm 2 ahead of where I was-LOL : )

 It was sooo fun to go through my Xmas scrapping goodies, it was like having all new stuff...actually some of it probably was new from Xmas presents this past year :  )  I've said this many times before & sure I will again... I love ECHO PARK!!!  The presents are from their Xmas line, last year.

This little Santa makes me smile : )  I LOVE to use blue & red on Xmas cards!!  This awesome Santa sticker is from Walmart, yes, Walmart!!  They had some crazy awesome Xmas/Winter stickers last year & mom & I stocked up.  Walmart has had some other great holiday/seasonal stickers too & the price is beyond reasonable!!!  Hint...they aren't w/the scrapping supplies...they are usually back w/the craft items : )

Well time to get some work done....that is unfortunately why I'm here-yuk!! I do have another quarterly report due soon, so you'll be hearing me complain about that : )  Have a great Tuesday!!!  TFL!!!   Lynn


  1. These are SO CUTE! I love that Santa card (thanks for the tip on the stickers!) and that present card is just so lovely. I love Christmas too. I love Christmas Eve dinner that we do with my step-dad's family...mmm sushi, cheese and crackers and chicken wild rice soup! Homemade caramel! Yum! lol I love giving presents, too. I spend MONTHS pickout out presents for people...I always want to get the perfect one...and I love watching them open it! I used to go to a Catholic school that had a latin mass on Christmas Eve...I loved it. Haven't been in a long time (I'm not Catholic) and I kind of miss it. LOL

    Have a good day, hon! Good luck with your report!

  2. These are the cutest Christmas cards ever! I love how to popped the presents on the first one and transformed that adorable Santa sticker into a work of art. Both of these are fabulous!
