Yes, another gray rainy morning, but at least it's not snow. We did get a little snow on Friday morning, it was starting to stick, but didn't last too long & then yesterday our high was 60+, that is just crazy weather for December around's like now we are just waiting for the other shoe to drop, because you know sooner or later we are getting snow & lake Erie is still wide open, so the "lake snow machine" will kick in at some point. For those of you not familiar w/my area,outside of Buffalo, NY we live on the East end of Lake Erie & we get tons & tons of snow from that, hence the "lake snow machine". Ok, enough of that dirty white talk-lol.
I hope everyone had a great weekend & got lots of Xmas presents bought or got their Xmas tree up or heck, just relaxed & enjoyed it : ) I had a busy busy weekend, alot of it spent on making Xmas cards. Then Sunday mom & I had our last craft show of the year, we did really good : ) I sold quite a few Xmas cards & mom's tags & boxes, sold like hot cakes-woohoo. We've met some great people thru these shows & it's kind of like we have our own little following now : ) I had make some other Xmas cards to fill a special order & I ended up selling some of them at the show too, so now the rest of the week will be crammed w/making more Xmas cards & then, I promise, I'm going to work on my own cards-20 days till Xmas.
I was sooooo low on b-day cards, that I had to make a couple of these last week too. It was nice to mix it up from the xmas red & green & blue-lol. Well time to get some work done. Have a great day!! TFL Lynn
What an adorable birthday card, hon! I'm happy your weekend was so fabulous! I had a pretty good weekend...was sick, but I met some nice people at my crop, so that was fun. Other than that I just stayed in bed. I finished a photobook for my MIL, now just have to work on mom's. =D Just wanted to say "hi"...we'll talk to you later! =D
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